I am going to pretend that I am very smart in regards to the Holy Book, that I am some sort of deep understanding of Scripture matters -bear with me, I am just pretending.
Let's say I would give a speech in the following terms,
..Dear Christian, you have to understand that the Bible was given in such language that everyday human could grasp the mind Holy Author (or at least to comprehend what was He telling to us).
This is very idea of the parables or figure speaking. Therefor, they could be some passages that are intended to give more an idea than to explain the real "thing".
Passages such as "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." 1Co 5.21, would not mean that at some point Christ "was made" or "became" sinner -THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN AND THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
We all understand (perhaps all of us) that the passage is yielding the idea that although He (Christ) never knew sin, God punished Him for the sin (or sins) of all humanity. As it is written in Isiah 53.3 "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
Because we could not earn redemption, God sent his only Son to die for us on the Cross. He received the punishment so we could be speared. Has the wrath of God come upon us no way we could stand it. Somewhere in the Bible says "the wages of sin is death", How could we then pay for such a price for our souls?
Only the immense value of the perfect/sinless life of the Son of God could be precious enough to pay for the ransom, meaning that Christ died so we could live "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ro 6.23"
...In a next post I will be extending these thoughts. See you then.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Real reasons for Global Warming (? -Climate change?)
How much weigh has been taken from Earth mass, would mean that the distance between Earth and Sun has become shorter than previously.
The International Space Station plus the number of orbital satellites and the growing number of space junk (space debris) and etc., have contributed to the losing of weigh of the Earth hence the change of distance.
F = G * M1 * M2 / (R * R)
Now, when Earth is in the closest point to the Sun, we have warmer temp's than previously*.
How to explain colder temperatures?
I'll answer that later.
Believe me, its easy.
Thanks for reading.
(*) I also have other reasons for warmer summers, none of which would involve human pollution as the main factor for it. Sorry if I disappointing you.
The International Space Station plus the number of orbital satellites and the growing number of space junk (space debris) and etc., have contributed to the losing of weigh of the Earth hence the change of distance.
F = G * M1 * M2 / (R * R)
- R is the distance (radius) that separates two given objects.
- G is the gravitational constant that is 6.67259x10-11m3/s2 kg.
- M1, M2 the two masses that are attracting each other.
- F is the force of attraction between them.
Now, when Earth is in the closest point to the Sun, we have warmer temp's than previously*.
How to explain colder temperatures?
I'll answer that later.
Believe me, its easy.
Thanks for reading.
(*) I also have other reasons for warmer summers, none of which would involve human pollution as the main factor for it. Sorry if I disappointing you.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Preaching in John 3.16
Estou tentando aprender português. Agora eu estou tentando falar portugues, preciso de tua ajuda. Obrigado!
John 3.16 & The Seven Signs
1. “For God so (much)” 1=God (Mr 12.32; Ro 3.30; Ga 3.20; Jam 2.19)
The Nature of the Eternal Life *Power to Create
God has done something Unique and Wonderful.
2. “loved the world” 2=Communion (Amos 3.3)
Condition for obtaining the Eternal Life *Power to Heal
He has shown a Great compassion for the miserable sinner.
3. “that he gave his only Son” 3=Testimony (Deut 17.6; 1Jn 5.7; 1Jn 5.8)
Strength to live the Eternal Life *Power to Regenerate
In not other fashion man could not be saved.
4. “that whoever” 4=Totality (1Ch 9.24; Job 1.19; Is 11.12; Je 49.36)
Food for the Eternal Life *Power to Multiply
Every one who approaches to hear him is satisfied in his soul.
5. “believes in him” 5=Weakness/Grace (Ge 45.11, 22; 1Sa 17.40)
Guide for the Eternal Life *Power to Modify
Just one thing is necessary for salvation.
6. “should not perish” 6=Man (Ge 1.26; Re 13.18)
Light for the Eternal Life *Power to Transform
Man by himself, COULD NOT sees eternal things, but He wants not man be lost.
7. “but have eternal life” 7=Perfection (Ge 2.2)
The Eternal Life overcomes Eternal Death *Power to Resuscitate
God is the only one who can and wants give Life to the Dead.
Numerical Parallelism:
1= God wants that everybody come to Him,
2= In order for them to have COMMUNION and Fellowship with Him
3= As well as they give TESTIMONY to others, confessing and announcing His Love
4= Of that Love that is enough and reaches to all human kind (TOTAL).
5= In such way that HUMAN WEAKNESS needs the GRACE OF GOD,
6= The MAN (or Woman) who realize of incapacity to save himself (herself)
7= God make him PERFECT, well prepared (suited) to go to Heaven.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Predicando en San Juan 3 y 16
So, I was preaching for few nights in the same verse, in part inspired by a great preacher from whom we read that did so, as well as by a friend who suggested me to do it. Not so much! They asked me if I did not know any other verse in the Bible. Of course I have to stop right there. Here is one of those messages I prepared. (I might submit English version a bit later). Thanks.
Juan 3.16 y Efesios 3.18
Comparando verso contra verso
Ef 3.18 seáis plenamente capaces de comprender con todos los santos cuál sea…
Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito,
+ Comparamos La Anchura con la palabra “TODO” implícita en la expresión El Mundo (así diría: TODO EL MUNDO).
+ Nadie queda fuera, ninguno queda excluido de parte de Dios. Su amor es ancho para recibir a Todos. Sus Brazos están AUN Abiertos, como en la Cruz.
+ Pero esto NO Significa que Todas la personas son axiomáticamente (Automáticamente) salvas. Es Necesario un Encuentro Personal e Íntimo con el Salvador. Esto es algo Personal, Voluntario y Espontáneo.
ANCHURA: Porque el Amor de Dios es tan amplio que se Desprendió de su propio Hijo, para regalarle la Salvación a usted.
para que todo aquel que en él cree,
+ La Biblia enseña que no existe límites en cuanto a:
a) Raza,
b) Edad,
c) Sexo,
d) Nivel Cultural (Educación),
e) Condición Social (Delincuente o no),
f) Estrato Social (Pobre o Rico),
g) Situación Física (enfermos o sanos),
h) Nacionalidad,
i) Esfera Pública (si es gobernador, presidente, obrero, etc.),
j) Posición ante La Palabra (de Padre cristiano, de la Clase Bíblica, primera vez, etc.),
k) Ni en Cuanto al NÚMERO de Personas que han de Ser Salvos
+ Todo aquel que oye con interés el mensaje del evangelio, y recibe por la fe al Salvador, reconociendo sus pecados y su propia necesidad, puede ser Salvo.
LONGITUD: Porque las Filas de Personas que le han Recibido son enormes y aunque son Largas, Aun queda lugar para Otro Más.
no se pierda,
+ Uno piensa en el Rescate. De dónde fue sacado el Hombre.
+ Obviamente, el Hombre sin Dios está prácticamente, perdido (Descendiendo) y el Salvador Jesucristo, logra echarle Su mano para Salvarle.
+ Esto ocurre cuando el Hombre (o la Mujer) que siente el peso de sus pecados y arrepentido, pone su fe en la Obra de la Cruz del Calvario.
PROFUNDIDAD: Porque el Abismo de Perdición es muy grande, de allí puede Dios rescatar al hombre (en esta vida)
mas tenga vida eterna.
+ Así mismo, el Traslado. La Nueva Vida del creyente. Su aspecto físico, pero también posicionalmente sentado en los lugares celestiales con Cristo (Ef 2.6).
+ Una Vida Distinta, un Cuerpo a ser Transformado, Apto para Estar delante de Dios y esto por TODA la Eternidad.
ALTURA: Porque hasta el Cielo mismo nos lleva el Amor de Dios.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Much has been said about the people who perished in the flood, about the animals which came on board the ark, and about the ark itself; but very little about Noah.
Few opening questions without answers…
1. Why was he allowed only to Noah and his family to be saved?
2. Was Noah family worth of salvation? Or, Was conceded to Noah save the by God’s grace?
3. It has never before rained and yet, Noah believed to God, Why was given the title of father of faith to Abraham and not to Noah? Since in certain way, it was easy to believe that God could raise a dead person who existed and had lived, to believe he could make rain against all laws physics and logic.
4. When the first drops of water started to fall, Why did not the people fled to the ark? Or, Why couldn’t they enter?
5. What was Noah doing before he was called to build the ark? What was his office?
[Contrasting the importance of the door in the Hebrew psyche: For most people, a way of entrance, for a Hebrew mind: the way of “escape”, remember the 12 doors in the wall? They were ways of escape; they existed beside the main gate. Let clear this a little bit, when I say “escape” I am saying Escape In, the door here functioned as a path to escape for protection, to security.]
Main Discourse
I do not believe that, that the people in the time of Noah, came to the ark (by then, the only way of salvation), and some people are saying, that the people claimed to Noah knocking desperately the door; but this man (Noah) could not open the door, although he wanted with all his heart;
It was, according to them, the “unmerciful” God did not wanted, he did not want to open the door , even when Noah beg him to.
Be careful when you refer to this case, since when one talk like this, the Lord is made as someone without mercy. Even we could be implying that Noah was the one who actually was merciful.
The truth was not like that, the people did not go to the ark, much less they repented, had they done so, God (who’s is merciful, Ex 22.27; Ex 34.6; De 4.31; 2Ch 30.9; Ne 9.31; Ps 86.15, 103.8, 111.4, 112.4, 116.5, 136.1-26 145.8,17; Je 3.12; Jo 2.13) would had, no just opened the door immediately, but also he would have had stopped the waters the proper time to allow every repented person to enter; which was what God wanted. What is it that the Lord seeketh? Repentance or Punishment? Had not he already given 120 years? What would have cost to him waiting for few more hours? Was not salvation his whole objective? His purpose? 1Ti 2.4; 2Pe 3.9.
Even more, the ark’s door was kept open few days after the rain started (Ge 7.10-11). So, the people had time to realize that which Noah tried to tell them about the waters falling from sky.
But, they, contrary to seek refuge at the ark, ran to the hills and mounts to escape the waters flooding the surface of the ground –that, would explain the expression in Ge 7.20 “Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered”. Otherwise, what purpose would it have such preserved detail, none other than to let us know that even the crest of the mountains could not have offered any salvation?
Yes, there is salvation, even at the last minute (remember the thief at the cross). The risk factor is that we are incapable of knowing when we are going to die.
In all this, do you know what the worse part is? That in the same way many people did not repent in such time, even seeing the judgment of God upon sin; in the same manner you, and many other persons do not repent, it does not matter that judgment of the Lord upon this world start right now.
There are people who are going to be condemned. There will be people who will see the wrath of God and will not turn to Jesus for salvation. There will be people who will be lost, even when it just take to come to the cross by faith, to believe that the blood of the Lord Jesus can cleanse them from all sin. There is people, like you tonight, seeing the abundant grace of God, and will not be saved.
Have a look to what the Bible teaches about people under the judgment of God:
“And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk” Re 9.20
“Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” Re 9. 21
“And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.” Re 16.9
“And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not
“And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” Re. 16.21
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Re 3.20
“Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.” Jn 10.7
- The children of Noah with their wives and mother were saved; not because they believed that the message that Noah preached to them was certain, rather because they wanted to obey their father.
- Obedience is superior to rationalism (reason or logic).
- You might find hard to believe or understand what we preach to you, but do not try to rationalize it, let your soul deal with the Holy Spirit.
- Let you’re your soul be troubled by the fact, that you are a sinner, but Christ (the only door, the salvation door), the savior of sinners, came to this world and gave his life on the cross, shed his blood so your sins may be forgiven, rose again to give you eternal life and will come to rescue you from that wrath that is coming upon this sinful world and take you to heaven to enjoy his presence forever.
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